Tips For Breeding Rabbits

The breeding stock should be selected when they reach 4 to 5 months of age. The breeder should be selected from the largest litter. In males, it is very essential to see the presence of two testicles in the scrotum as testicles descend down from the body cavity at 12 weeks of age.

1. Extensive type of reproduction:-

Weaning here practiced is 5 to 6 weeks and re-breeding soon after weaning. Does are therefore mated once every 2.5 months. This is the best suited for tropical countries like India.

2. Semi intensive reproduction

Weaning is practised at 4-5 weeks of age. Breeding is practised after 10-20 days after kindling.

3. Intensive reproduction

Weaning is at 4 weeks of age. Mating is done immediately after kindling. Usually this practise is followed in western countries.

Always females should be put to the pen of male to avoid fighting. Mating should be done during coolest part of the day like early morning or late evening. After successful mating the male usually produces a typical cry sound and falls down on one side of the female. Soon after the mating the male one should be removed from the cage. The male should not be more than 3 to 4 days in a week and not more than 2 to 3 times in a day. The ratio of male to female is 1:10. Both the sexes should reach 70% of their adult body weight.

The breeding season is almost throughout year. But in India, autumn stress is encountered during hot weather.

Signs of heat in females

1. Restlessness, Rubbing the chin on the sides of the cage.

2. Lying in mating posture

3. They are spontaneous ovulators. Ovulation begins 10 hours after mating.

4. In heat, the female rabbit accepts male, otherwise it rejects.

5. In heat, the female assumes a typical pose called “lordosis” where the back is arched downward and hind quarter is raised.

6. The female one in di-estrous phage crouch at the corner of the cage.

7. After kindling (parturition), the re breeding happens after one week in intensive management. But normally re-mating is shown one week before weaning.

8. When temperature rises above 36 degree centigrade, temporary sterility happens.

8 Tips to Cheer Up Depressed Pets

What if lately, you’ve been noticing your pet sleeps abnormally (more than usual), eats less, seems sad, and spends most of its time moping round the house. All these behaviors are totally opposite to his or her normal behavior. Without a doubt, you may start to worry! Depression is what your furry friend may be experiencing. This condition isn’t dissimilar to that of humans.

You’re used to seeing your pet happy because he or she is always there for you whenever you’re down. The mere thought of seeing your furry friend crestfallen makes you sick. Now it’s your turn to be there for him or her. How do you cheer up your best friend? What are some of the methods you can use?

If your pet is depressed, here are 8 strategies to use to cheer him/her up:

1. Spend ample time with your pet

One of the most effective ways to cheer up pets is by spending more time with them, especially when they’re depressed. Now, more than ever, he or she needs you – your undivided attention. Spending quality time together shows your pet how much you love and cherish him or her. To transit from the pits to his/her joyful, happy self, simply give your pet your support, care, and love.

2. Indulge your pet in outdoor activities

Whether you own a cat or a dog, taking him for a fun afternoon out in the park is an effective way of cheering him up. At first, the pet won’t seem enthusiastic. However, as you two enjoy each other’s company, you’ll be surprised by how jovial he’ll turn out to be. Some physical exercise, a change in surroundings, and some quality time with you, will go miles to bring back enthusiasm in your pet.

3. Show your pet you’re happy

Did you know pets and dogs are very intelligent when it comes to telling if you’re happy, just by looking at your face? Consequently, when he’s depressed, avoid frowning or showing him or her that you’re sad. An effective way to cheer up your dog is by staying happy yourself.

4. Socialize your pet

Is your dog or cat depressed because he or she lost a companion or family member? If yes, then you need to take your pet to the park, or to a daycare center, where he or she can socialize with others. According to studies, animals enjoy same-species companionship. Therefore, you shouldn’t hesitate to try out this strategy.

5. Reward your pet for positive behavior

This strategy is more of a positive reinforcement. When he or she shows any sign of getting over depression, you should give your pet a treat or pat on the head. It’s important to note that you shouldn’t be overly sympathetic as this will encourage others to remain depressed in order to enjoy the same attention. You need to show him or her how pleased you are anytime he or she eats meals properly, or plays with you in the park.

6. Comfort your pet with favorite toys

Does your cat or dog have a favorite toy? A great way to cheer up your cat is by giving him or her toys to play with. Most pets have a tendency to find comfort in familiarity. They’ll be more cheery if they are around their favorite toys.

7. Play him or her some music

In the same way music calms and soothes human beings, most pet owners admit that music is also magical to pets. Surprisingly, you’ll be able to lift up the mood of your pet by playing him or her some soothing music. Just ensure that the volume isn’t too high. The last thing you want is to make things worse.

8. Take your pet out for a ride

This strategy works wonders especially if your pet enjoys going for rides. If possible, bring your entire family with you when stepping out for a ride. In addition to enjoying the family’s company, he or she will also enjoy the fresh air.

Chances are very high that the depression affecting your pet will also affect you. Consequently, before the two of you sink into depression, you should act fast. You must find ways to cheer him or her up as soon as you can. The above are some simple ways you can cheer up your pet.