6 Elementary Tips to Take Care of Your Pets

Pet owners often wonder – what they should do to keep their pets healthy; is there a decorum they should follow? Pets are like family members that need to be fostered with care. It’s a very responsible task as a pet owner to keep the pet in check. There are various important things that need to be taken care of if you want to be a proud owner of a pet.

Periodical Veterinary Appointments

In a case of pets, the most significant reminder is – don’t wait for them to get sick, bring them for a periodical check up. If it’s not feasible for a half-yearly one, then at least once a year wellness checkup is a must for the pets.

Similar to human beings, pets need periodical check up to ensure the wellness and resolving the health issues if they are infected. Consequently, pets are needed to visit for regular vaccination and other screening tests to avoid sudden superfluous concerns.

Parasite Protection

The most common causes of disease in pets are Parasites. Some parasites can be internal, such as worms and protozoa and some are external like ticks and fleas. These parasites can be deadly and can cause diseases like Heartworm and Lyme which ultimately lead to the death of pets. Pets’ parasites can be contagious which can be a threat to the kids of the family. Providentially, these parasites can be easily preventable by providing monthly preventatives.

Spaying and Neutering

Spaying and Neutering pets are an imperative and beneficial for a number of reasons. To begin with, it would prevent the overpopulation of pets. Secondly, it lowers risks for various fatal diseases like pyometra – infection of the uterus, breast cancer, testicular cancer etc. Last but not the least, a lot of pets get lost or abandoned due to their behavioral problems and spaying and neutering can also help with these problems like aggression, get lost, roam etc.


While collars and name tags are necessary, they can’t guarantee the safe return of pets. As a result, here comes the marvel – the Microchip. Since collars and name tags can fall off, microchips are the next best possible alternatives out there. A lot of pets that have ended in shelter houses were returned to the owners’ side for the reason that they had microchips attached to their body.

Nutritional Foods and Exercise

Don’t go and look for only cheap, inexpensive pet foods since those foods may not be healthy for the pets. You can consult to a veterinary about what, how and in which amount u should feed your pets. The foods should be nutritional and well balanced. Consequently, it comes to the issue – exercise.

A lot of pets, nowadays, suffer from obesity that leads to diseases like diabetes and arthritis. Therefore, pets are needed to maintain their level of activity and weight just like humans. Research shows that exercise is the best possible way to keep the pets healthy both physically and mentally.

Love and Affection

Pets also long for love and affection just like us humans. They like it when their owners pay attention to them or take extra care of them. Research verifies that pets rely on us not only for food and security but also for social comfort and bonding.

Wood Flooring for Pet Owners

Wood flooring and pets are not mutually exclusive.

Pets, particularly dogs, are notorious for scratching up wood flooring. They can slip on wood flooring too, especially when they get older.

However, most scratches and slips can (and should) be prevented with frequent nail clippings. Homeowners who really love their fur babies, but will love their new wood floors almost as much, will find that certain woods and stains are more pet-friendly than others.

First, consider tile floors over wood if you’re open to that. Tile is durable, strong and scratch-proof. The best wood flooring for pet owners is the most durable with more rustic finishes or lighter stains (naturally, scratching a dark floor to reveal the lighter color below is going to be more noticeable).

How Distressing!

Fortunately for pet owners, the look of distressed natural floors is gorgeous and here to stay. By far the most pet-friendly option, any scratches and nicks (from pets or otherwise) will blend right in.

Choose hard wood like oak that’s naturally scratch-resistant in a lighter stain with a touch of distress, and you’ll easily camouflage scratches. Oak comes in a variety of grain patterns and natural colors, and it’s wildly abundant in North America, making it a high-quality yet affordable option.

Maple, hickory, poplar and some types of cherry are also harder woods that make for gorgeous flooring.

Another consideration is genuine hardwood vs. engineered. Engineered hardwood is made up of thinner layers of wood glued together. It’s more affordable, but it can’t stand up to as much re-sanding as full hardwood.

Keep in mind that restoring engineered hardwood isn’t always an option if it suffers severe damage, but full hardwood can often be re-sanded, salvaged and repaired with more ease.

Wet ‘n’ Wild: Keep Wood Flooring Safe

Scratches are just one problem hardwood floor owners face. Pets can have a tendency to tinkle, even when potty trained, and that can cause serious problems for floors. It’s important to wipe up any messes immediately, otherwise you risk warped and stained floors.

If possible, keep pets out of wood-floored rooms when you’re not home. It’s much easier to clean carpet than floors, and sectioning off “pet rooms” for when owners are away, or kenneling, can help save your floors.

Your floors will get scratched at some point, whether you have pets or not, and the first time it happens can be heartbreaking. However, some great products are available to effectively hide scratches, like Parker & Bailey Wood Scratch repair pens or Glow Scratch Aide. Most pet-related scratches are shallow and don’t really damage the wood, so a simple cover-up is all that’s needed.

All floors should be selected based on preference and lifestyle, including consideration for your pets. You can still get the wood flooring of your dreams, even if you have a menagerie at home.

Rabbit Litter Training

You have just gotten your pet rabbit-congratulations!-and have already taken it home to show it off to your family and friends. After setting up the cage and offering it some food and water, the next step is litter training. This is one of the most important and often challenging parts of raising a pet, but once it’s mastered, the experience is all the more rewarding. Here, we provide you a step-by-step manual on how to litter train your rabbit; pretty soon, you’ll be on your way to becoming the ultimate pet owner.

Before you start…

1. Spay/neuter your rabbit. This is especially important if you own a baby rabbit; after four to six months, your pet’s hormones will kick in and soon enough it will begin to mark its territory. To lessen the likelihood of doing so, spaying or neutering your rabbit will help make it easier to be litter-trained.

2. Choose the right type of litter. While there are many types of litter that are marketed out there, many owners tend to make their own for the litter box, which is not only inexpensive, but also safer for their bunnies. Using litter designed for cats or wood shavings can be hazardous to health, as they might cause digestion or respiratory problems. An ideal type of litter is recycled paper products (e.g. newspapers), since they are harmless to the rabbits if ingested. Certain litter brands like Care-fresh or Cellu-Dri arm considered safe for them, too.

3. Clean and dispose frequently. Changing the litter box often will not only keep the cage from smelling, but also encourage your rabbit to use them more. Vinegar is a cheap and convenient tool to use to get rid of odors when cleaning the box and other stains inside the cage.

How to Litter-Train your Pet…

1. Make it comfortable. You want your rabbit to be at ease when being litter-trained while also making sure that it knows that the cage’s litter box is where it needs to go to for doing the deed. By making its cage a calm and safe environment, it will help motivate your pet to go there more often.

2. Give enough space for roaming. If you would like your pet bunny to run around the house (with supervision, of course!), then it is essential to begin litter training right away. Start small by restricting your bunny’s roaming space to a small part of the room, before increasing it to the rest of it. Make sure to always have multiple litter boxes all over the room, just in case your rabbit decides to litter somewhere other than in the cage.

3. Discipline firmly. Rabbits are naturally habitual animals, and so if you are not firm in disciplining when it marks its territory, then it will be very difficult to break the cycle for future littering sessions. Give a gentle, but stern “no” every time it starts to litter in a place other than where its designated to, and move it quickly to a nearby litter box (whether in the cage or the room) to reinforce where it should do its business.

4. Reward your pet. Positive reinforcement is just as important to litter training your rabbit as reprimanding it when it goes wrong. Treat your pet with something small, like a piece of fruit or its favorite play-thing when it correctly disposes in the litter box. Of course, you don’t have to do this every time that it works, especially after more than several times, but during its initial stages it is highly suggested.

5. Be patient. Like with babies and other pets, rabbits take time to be properly litter trained. Slip-ups will happen, and it is a matter of being calm and correcting your pet’s behavior as soon as they occur that will help the process go more smoothly. Having patience is key to being a good pet owner, and it will no doubt build a solid and trusting relationship with your rabbit.

Cleaning Your House With Pets

Today let’s talk a little about keeping your house clean with pets. Okay, okay this is not the fun thing to always talk about, but I’m sure it’s a daily struggle for all of us pet owners. Constant shedding from almost every kind of dog and cat is bound to happen. From the day you welcome a new puppy or kitten into your home you know the task of keeping up after them is there.

Living in town and a yard that wasn’t fenced in I already knew that I wasn’t going to have an outdoor dog. She was indoor and had free reign with most of the house, aside from the spare bedrooms. I watched her like a hawk when I brought her home and for the first two days I was pretty good at reading her signs as to when she needed to go out. But I wasn’t always fast enough. There were the few accidents that of course I was pretty diligent at cleaning up right away and making sure to spray the carpet or hard wood to deter her from going there again.

As the days, weeks and months go by your puppy will be getting better at letting you know when they need to go out and just about the time you think you have a handle on it, BAM… the poor thing gets sick. Either with a new food change or something that is causing your poor pet digestive issues, you now have another clean up situation. Whether that means a carpet spray or hardwood cleaning or it entails the full body suit clothes pin on the nose and rubber gloves to your elbows, it’s gotta get cleaned up. Then there is the smell to contend with.

Finding the solution to work in your home to control the smell and cleaning can be hard. Here are a few things I do that seem to help a lot.

Spot Scrub.

Wherever the scene of the crime is I start with spot scrubbing. Odor killing and stain removal for pets are the two biggest things I look for in a spot cleaner.

Baking Soda.

Baking soda helps to deodorize a room. If it’s my carpet I start by sprinkling around the area and if the smell is still pretty bad I let the container in the room to absorb the smell. This also works wonders in kitty litter boxes. When I change them I sprinkle it in the bottom of their litter box and on the floor under the box. Baking soda and vinegar water is a perfect stain remover when steam cleaning and scrubbing your carpet.

Grooming and bathing your dog.

Oh yes the difference this makes in the smell of my house is amazing! Especially as I was dealing with an allergy that made her skin have a terrible odor. Grooming was essential for my dog with allergies.

Vacuum every day.

I try to keep up with my vacuuming. I don’t always do it every day but I try to. I also use baking soda before I vacuum and let it sit in the carpet about a half hour before running the sweeper.

Odor control room spray.

This one is a big one. I always have a spray bottle of odor control spray to help freshen up the house especially before any visitors come.

Cleaning can be a daunting task as a pet owner but we could never trade that for all the love and affection we get from our loving furry friends.

Accessories That People Usually Buy for Their Pets

Some of the common dog accessories are collars, leashes, plus toys for chewing and fetching – like balls. For many owners, dog clothes are not too important, but you seldom see a dog with no collar and leash, or a house where a dog lives without a basket, a couple of pillows or some kind of dog bed – even if they sleep beside their owner. Other common accessories include fur combs that resemble a small rake for pet dogs that have long fur.

Cat accessories include catnip, collars cat furniture and small toys, most of which are feathered types or those that move. Majority of owners here are not interested to get clothing for their pet cats, and people rarely buy clothes for them. There are many ‘DIY cat toys that are easy to make, and cats always keep themselves busy with many objects that are not meant for them. Fur combs are also common to cats, particularly those that live indoors, such as long-haired ones.

Those who have rodents for pets usually spend on food bowl, water bottles, special food, treats, carriers and shiny cages. They often buy wheels and houses. The toys they commonly play with are small balls with a bell, though not all rodents really like them. In addition, most of these accessories can easily be made by hand – that is why rodent owners do not buy them, but rather choose to make their own.

Rats like things that are cozy – such as hanging houses, hammocks and tubes. Degus prefer easy-moving type of toys. Dwarf and regular hamsters are generally not interested in different kinds of toys, but like playing in the wheel and multi-level structures they can climb on. So far, guinea pigs do not have as much toys; at least this is most common. Besides, most pet shops do not sell many guinea pig toys, just chew toys, seesaw toys and small toys they can take along. These are the same toys for bunnies. Ferrets like hammocks as well as hanging beds, and behave when leashed though I am not sure if this is always the case (I know they are not rodents, but these are very similar accessories).

Food and cages are the most common accessories for birds. Nevertheless, beak stones (huge white polishing stuff), hanging toys, swing toys (with smaller moving parts), nests or nesting materials are also available.

3 Amazing Pet Products That Make Pet Ownership Easy

Every pet owner wants to get the best things for his furry pal. But are there any best hacks that can take your pet ownership skills to the next level? With a wide array of pet products available in the market from apparels to grooming supplies, sanitation, feeding supplies, cleaning, pet techs and gadgets it sometimes becomes a difficult ask to select the best ones for your furry pal. With the advancement of technology, it has now become possible to make pet ownership easy.

Let us look at some of the products that will assist you in achieving this feat:

Automatic Feeders & Waterers

This product has been developed for the convenience of pet owners. Now you do not have to worry about feeding or watering your pet until and unless the stock is over in the storage area. There are a variety of DIY automatic feeders and waterers available in the market that can make your life easier. Normal bowls are now a thing of the past. Pet feeders and waterers that need you to only fill up the storage is a total fad. Now you do not have to put any reminders to feed your furry companion or water them. This will now be done by an automatic feeder. But to be safe, always keep a watch on the automatic waterers and feeders just in case a sneaky pal who might break into the storage bin. The automatic feeder aids your pet to eat at scheduled timings and prevent overeating. You can set the timer on a program timer present in the feeder or waterer. There are certain feeders that work by gravity.

Pet Monitor

Pet monitors are similar to baby monitors. With the aid of this instrument, it is possible to speak, interact, view and listen to the pets from anywhere. The monitor contains inbuilt speakers and microphones that aids in communication from both sides. This can all be controlled through a smart-phone. It can rotate 340 degrees with up and down video motions. This feature makes it easier for you to place it at heights as well. It is also possible for you to capture pictures and videos from the mobile device paired with the monitor. The great thing about this device is that it is now possible for multiple users to connect to the pet monitor. They come in different colours too.

Pet Flap Doors

Tired of opening the door repeatedly for your pooch? If yes; there is a solution for it. Thanks to pet flap doors it is now possible to stop moving even an itch. The great thing about these doors is that they can be installed to the existing doors. These doors are available in plastic, wood or any other material as preferred to you. They are generally made up of vinyl and certain flaps consist of a magnetic bar at the end that aids in secure closing of the pet door. These doors come in different sizes depending on how big is your pet. These doors make it easier for your pet to go to the balcony or garden area to conduct their business. The other great thing about this door is that you do not need to get back to the pet during your work timings to open the door for your pal.

Essential Tips for Maintaining the Health of Senior Pets

As pets enter the age of senescence, it is the responsibility of pet parents to make the routine adjustments to match changes in the body and their immune system which make them prone to health problems in older age.

Some note-worthy tips to ensure the health and happiness of senior pets are –


Pet supplements such as probiotics, digestive enzymes and fish oil for dogs can be a great addition to your dog’s diet. They not only help to maintain dietary balance, but also promote healthy digestive and immune systems that increase the natural resistance of pets against diseases.

Researches reveal that the deficiency of fatty acids like Omega-3 and Omega-6 in dogs can lead to severe disorders such as atopic dermatitis, auto-immune disorders and steatosis as well as heart and kidney problems.

Omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA act as anti-inflammatory agents, reducing the impact of inflammatory enzymes produced by body fats. Reduction of inflammation prevents heart, kidney and skin inflammation conditions, promoting a shiny and healthier coat, while helping with weight loss in overweight dogs.

In fact, a study published in the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine revealed that overweight dogs fed on calorie-restricted diets lost a considerable amount of weight when fatty acids were supplemented.

Fish oil for dogs has also been found to influence growth and development of unborn puppies. Research suggests that mother dogs, fed on diets rich in marine-derived Omega-3 acids gave birth to puppies with significantly improved visual performance.

Regular Visits to Veterinarians

Regular visits to veterinary doctors can significantly improve the early diagnosis and treatment of issues which may impact the dog’s health.

Age-related diseases like cognitive dysfunction or dementia can have symptoms which are difficult to detect. A veterinary physician will undertake a thorough physical assessment of the dog to detect early signs of potentially serious illnesses. Moreover, regular checkups also provide pet owners the opportunity to consult physicians regarding behavioral issues affecting senior pets.

Providing the Best Diet

Feeding raw food or quality commercial food not only makes them feel better, but also reduces their susceptibility to illness and diseases. Adding human foods like carrots and oatmeal along with supplements like fish oil for dogs to meet the nutritional requirements of pets is a good option.

However, pet owners should be careful when introducing dietary changes to avoid stomach ailments and diarrhea.

Therefore, it is recommended to supplement new food with the dog’s current diet and gradually increase the quantity every week. Once the pet gets used to more variety, they can easily tolerate dietary changes.

10 Reasons Why You Should Adopt a Pet

Thinking of having a puppy that wags its tails and runs to you joyfully at your every beck and call? Or, thinking of having that cute little ball of fur called a kitten running about playfully in your house? Thinking about going to the nearby pet store to buy one? Stop your pet search then and there, and think, “Why should I spend my money on buying a pet when I have the option of adopting one?”

Makes sense, right?

Well, as you will see, besides saving your bucks, adopting a pet comes with tons of other advantages.

1. As mentioned above, pets for adoption generally cost less than the ones available for sale in pet shops.
2. A pet available for adoption may have already been trained to respond to basic commands like come, sit, go, etc., and hence it reduces the trouble of training them from scratch.
3. Pets available for sale in pet shops are reared for the purpose of selling, keeping profit in mind rather than the health of the pets and are therefore, often sick and behaviorally troubled. Pets for adoption are not reared for commercial purposes. They are available for adoption because their previous owners had to give them up due to certain unfortunate reasons for which the animals are not responsible. Since, before being available for adoption, they had an owner who took care of them, they are generally healthy and well behaved.
4. Pets for adoption come in every size, age, breed, and color and thus you get a wider variety to choose from.
5. Most pet shop owners keep the animals in horrible conditions and the elderly female animals are treated as breeding machines. They have no genuine concern for these animals. Without purchasing from them, you can feel self righteous as you have not given them a dime.
6. Most of the older animals available as pets for adoption have already been vaccinated. So you don’t have to bear the additional task of getting them vaccinated.
7. By adopting a pet, not only are you giving it a home, but also you are helping provide shelter to another homeless animal which will be taken in, in place of the animal you have adopted.
8. Having an animal as a pet has been found to be psychologically and emotionally beneficial to their companions. Not only this. The feeling that you have saved an animal by adopting it also gives you self-satisfaction and makes you feel proud of yourself.
9. When you adopt a pet from a pet shelter, they inform you in advance about the “do’s and don’ts” so that you become well aware of what your pet loves and what provokes it.
10. Last of all, you can brag in your social circles about having adopted a pet!

A Handy Checklist for Your Pet Sitter

If you are planning to go out of town for a weekend getaway or for a much longer vacation and are not able to take your pet along. The best thing is to ensure that during your absence your pet’s stay is enjoyable and easy as much as possible. You can do this by hiring a pet sitter. But before you get one it is better to prepare for a checklist for hiring, so that during your absence your furry pal has the best comfort available. Some of the things that need to be kept in mind include:

Vacation itinerary

This would include the time and date of your departure and expected arrival.

Contact information

Ensure that you give your cell phone number, hotel information and room number in case you need to be contacted by the person you have hired.

Contact numbers of your immediate family members

There may be a possibility that the pet sitter might not be able to contact you. In such a situation, they should have an emergency contact number of your immediate family members who can take responsible decisions in your absence.

Key & security alarm information

Ensure that you provide requisite information to the pet sitting professional about the security of the house during your absence.

Primary vet information

Include the name of the practice and veterinarian they can contact providing clinic address and phone number.

Emergency vet clinic information

If there is an emergency with your pet after the primary vet’s office hours, the pet sitter should have an emergency animal hospital’s information which can get the pet treated quickly thereby easing the tension.

Feeding & walking schedule

As a pet owner, you know the feeding and walking schedule of your furry companion. In your absence, this task needs to be done by the person you have hired. Hence, provide him with the requisite information so that he/she can maintain the schedule of the pet in the best possible way.

List of treatments and usage instructions

If your pet is undergoing any treatment specify the instructions, so that the treatment can be given on time. This ensures that your pet does not miss out on the dosage in your absence.

List of food & treats

Although you might have made an arrangement of pet food in your absence it is always better to tell the pet sitter where they can procure the pet food in your absence. If your flight gets delayed or due to unforeseen circumstances you are not able to reach home on time, he/she should know where to procure pet food for the furry pal.

List of pet care items

Give the detailed directions about where have you kept different pet care items like brush, food, cleaning pads, sweater (if it is cold outside) and leash.

Favorite toys

Inform about the favorite toys of the pet so that the pet’s mind can be diverted easily.

Dangers Along Walking Route

Always specify if there is any unfriendly pet around in the neighborhood or if a neighbor yells if your pet pees in the yard. By telling them these things you can ensure that the pet sitter knows how to handle the situation if there is a need.

Room and furniture limitations

Provide a list of rooms or furniture that your pet is not allowed in or on.


Always inform about the estimated date and time of visitors in the house like a house cleaner, lawn care company or pool person. This is particularly important so that your pet sitter does not think that your house has been broken into.

When your pet is well-cared off during your absence you will have a more enjoyable and carefree trip. The pet sitter will also have an easy time taking care of your pet. So, the next time you decide to go for a vacation without your pet do not forget to prepare a handy checklist for your pet sitter.

Animals Are Way Smarter Than We Think

Since childhood, I firmly believe that animals are way smarter than we think. And that we human beings, as a species, are just being too arrogant. Scientific evidence proves that our planet is not the epicenter of the solar system, but today it also shows that we are not the only center of intelligence.

But what are considered levels of intelligence? How and who defines them? Do you think that some animals are way smarter than some people?

Throughout my experiences, I do believe so. Just because animals cannot speak or read, for instance, does not automatically indicate that they cannot think or feel. When comparing one species of animals to another, or even to humans, we can see different degrees of intelligence.

So, we are deceiving ourselves into thinking that, for thousands of years we are more intelligent than the rest of the animal kingdom. And that, despite growing evidence these days to the opposite. Of course, I do not deny that we, human animals, are smart when it comes to doing what needs to be done to survive. But other species may be way smarter than we are, believe or think.

Intelligence is Relative
Numerous animals have exceptional brains, but most people purely misunderstand many of their abilities. There are now facts that crows, dogs, octopuses or koalas, just to name a few, reveal superior intelligence. It is widespread truth in the animal kingdom. In some cases, animals possess greater reasoning faculties than any human being. So, some of them are probably way smarter.

And some of their actions or behaviors cannot merely be considered instinct. When we look at various animals, we often cannot do what they do. Sometimes, the way they act or the things they do are very complicated, like a bat flying in the dark. These creatures can capture flying insects in midair directly with echolocation.

So, it does not only takes instinct but a lot of brainpower to realize such feat. Yet we do not pay attention to these kinds of things because we think it is irrelevant. Most people do not evaluate the skills of animals, but rather compare them to ours in term of intelligence. As long as they cannot reason, speak, or read, then they must not be as bright as we are.

Outlining Who is Way Smarter
Through the ages, the ruling classes, from religion to scholars, do repeat that same belief: “We, humans are incomparable because we are the cleverest being in the animal kingdom.” They also pretend that animals have no soul or feelings. However, science and life show us that animals do have feelings, a soul, and reasoning faculties which makes them way smarter than we think.

So, this belief of thinking that we are superior in intelligence goes back some ten thousand years ago. It started when man created agriculture, farms, and domestication of animals. It then gained momentum with the beliefs of religion, which regarded humans as the principal species in creation.

But does it mean that our intelligence is at a higher level? Of course not; they are just of different types. When a foreigner tries to talk to you using an imperfect, flawed or broken version of your language, your first impression is that they are not very smart. But the truth is entirely different.

The Unconditional Love of Animals
When it comes to animals, they are way smarter than what we tend to give them credit for. They are just smart on their own terms, which often look nothing like yours or mine. I believe we can learn a lot of things from them such as love, empathy, and compassion. So when they care, you can witness that they genuinely do; it is not just a fake disguise like human beings do.

Of the animal kingdom, some of these beings love humans unconditionally. However, a lot of people still abuse and mistreat such affection. When something happens to us, animals do not put us down, push us aside or suddenly decide not to love us anymore. That attitude only shows that they are way smarter than we are.

No matter the circumstances, they are there at our side until the end, and too often, we take this for granted. Yet, some people have no problem getting rid of an animal when it does not fit their life or agenda anymore. And we are supposed to be the most intelligent species on this planet; think again!

The Intelligence of Animals
Every day, our pets communicate with us through their demands and make us do things they desire. The animal world is much more complicated than we seem to believe or think. My father is a racehorse trainer, so I grew around horses and lived for many years in an apartment over a racehorse stable. Cats and dogs were also an integral part of my life like with any standard equine barn.

In the 60’s, there were no smartphones or sophisticated cameras to make videos in seconds. But all of my life, I witnessed behaviors, intelligence and memory tricks from animals. The following story is a perfect example of it.

One day, my father bought a racehorse named “Murdoch” from another city, twenty miles away. After a few days, he took the horse to the track to train him. While galloping, a tractor made an enormous noise which scared the animal, and its rider fell off. The horse, then alone, dashed across the track and jumped over the barrier disappearing into the woods.

A Story of Being Way Smarter
It was time to get in the car. I rode along, at my father’s side, to look for the horse. We searched everywhere but to no avail. A few hours later, on our return to the barn, the former owner called. In amazement, she told my dad that the animal was at her ranch.

So, it meant that the horse galloped over roads and through woods to get back to his previous barn without a single scratch. Somehow, he figured how to do twenty miles of unknown territory and return where he came from. Not only the horse did this, but because of cameras around the ranch, we were able to see how he did enter the horse farm.

When arriving at the front entrance, the animal saw that it was closed. So it went around the back, pushed the small gate and climbed the steps standing in its way. Then found an open stall, entered it and waited there, knowing that it was the only home he knew.

Animals Are Way Smarter
Animals are amazing and deserve as much respect as people for their memory, intelligence, tenacity and unconditional love.

Horses, dogs, and cats, among many species that spend time around people, can recognize body language signs that you or I do not pay attention to.
Primates such as chimpanzees can easily beat people at remembering a series of numbers that they saw for a fraction of a second.
Octopuses learn to open childproof caps on medication bottles, which many of us cannot unlock.
Bats do map out space with echolocation and sonar.
Birds figure out and understand the complex mechanics of flying and landing.
Crows, pictured in horror movies for stupid reasons, are not just among the most intelligent birds, but they are way smarter than most creatures. They can accomplish tasks that three and four-year-old children have trouble doing.

Animals Have Feelings
While they have different brain structures, experts estimate that animals such as crows and apes handle and use a combination of mental tools. It even includes imagination and the expectation of potential future events so that they can solve problems.

Again, I witnessed some crows learning how to use cars for cracking nuts. They wait patiently at intersections while keeping watch on the traffic lights. So, when the traffic stops they retrieve a nut that vehicles crushed, which they have put earlier on the road.

Furthermore, it is now evident that elephants grieve. Most mammals feel joy, love, and sadness or suffering. Once, in Ukraine, my mother in law took home a stray cat that was living on a hospital ground. It was not a small kitten but a full grown cat. The cat was now living with her countryside house fifteen miles away from the hospital, and he looked unhappy.

Give Animals Credit
One day, she opened the door, and the cat flew by her, running away into the fields. Ten days later, thinking that she lost the animal forever, it showed up on the hospital ground. The animal had lost a lot of weight and seemed to suffer a minor injury, but he was alive. He had found his way home through fields and against unbelievable obstacles.

So, human beings have to stop this obsession of comparing animals to human aptitude. We pick things that we are good at, like technology or language. And we then associate it with intelligence to other species of our world. But animals are way smarter than we think. So, let’s think twice before making any assumption and give them the credit they deserve.