The Concepts Of Marketing Which May Be Considered For A Successful Marketing
The term marketing may be defined as the process or a way through the value is created to the customers for the purpose of satisfying their needs and wants. A series of endless actions are usually involved in the process of marketing. These actions are involves the company which is trying to meet the demands of the customer at the market place. The reactions which are made by the customers in response to the various marketing efforts made by the firms is among such actions. The aim of every marketing activity is to ensure that the needs of the target customers to the business organization are satisfied.
For every marketing effort to be successful, the business organization has to implement a number of concepts. The term used to refer to this concept is the marketing concepts. What is included in the concepts of marketing are the strategies which can be implemented by a firm so as to meet the needs of the customers fully. So that the firms may also beat the competitors existing in the market, the marketing concepts may also be used. The production concept, the product concept, the selling concept, marketing concept and the societal marketing concept are the concepts which a firm may choose to implement.
What the production concept holds is that most of the customers are likely to favor the products which will have a higher availability at the market place. They will also favor the products which are affordable to them. In this case, the firm has to focus on continuous production so as to increase the availability of it products. On the other hand, what the product concept provides is that high quality on to a is what makes the customers to favor such a product. What defines quality in this case is the presence of high performance and availability of unique which features which are more innovative. Using this concept, the marketers have to focus on unceasing improvement of their offerings. On the other hand, the selling concept provides that most customers will buy more of a product if the firm undertakes large scale efforts in product promotion.
The marketing concept provides that a firm needs to understand the needs and the wants of the target and potential customers. The firm utilizing this strategy has to however design and deliver products and services which are more likely to meet the needs of the consumers in better way than the products of the competitors will do. The philosophy of customers first is utilized when using this strategy. The concept of society marketing calls for the firms to meet the needs and the wants of the consumers using the ways which improve the customers wellbeing and the society in general.