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How AA Chips Motivate your Sobriety Process

Unless you understand what it means, most accomplishments have no impact on people’s lives. You may have run a marathon, but unless someone else knows what it takes to complete one, they would not fully appreciate the occasion. Such is the situation with getting sober. Alcohol addiction is a problem that those affected understand fully well than other people. All efforts you make to recover will be something to rejoice over. The AA chip system was invented to help you recognize such occasions.

AA chips make for a method of you recognizing the period within which you have not taken any alcohol. They come decorated with other meaningful symbols. There are the AA circle and triangle icon, which help you keep in mind the lessons gathered on the road towards complete recovery. You can also read the serenity prayer on the back, to keep you motivated.

The chips will motivate you, as well as anchor you in the process. You will remember how far you have come, to help you avoid anything that could take you back to square one.

The AA chip system comes with certain rules you need to adhere to in the process. You will, for example, be given the day one chip. That the occasion is critical, as it shows you have decided to take the hard route. That commitment is embodied in the chip and so makes it valuable. It celebrates your first 24 hours sober. You are given the chip once the 24 hours are over. Expect a white chip, to signify a fresh start.

The nest one is a monthly chip. They are normally presented in a color code, such as 30-day chips as red, 60-day chips as old, and 90-day chips as green. Each AA group can modify the colors if they so wish. You should aim to collect these chips till you reach the milestone of one year sober.

Those who stay sober for the entire year can expect the one-year chip, normally bronze in color. Each year you are sober will earn you another bronze chip.

When you look at how effective it is, you will understand why other forms of addiction recovery programs have adopted it. There are also instances of people coming up with their unique chip system for their Alcohol addiction recovery process. An example is someone who is also dealing with weight loss issues, and so uses the same system for the two achievements.

The process of ending your abusive interactions with alcohol need you to be fully committed to the process. It will not be easy. One of the best ways to remember why you need to keep going is to take a calm perspective of the situation. The AA system is there to support your journey.

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